New CD  

Big It Up For Jesus
Finally, Jon’s first album, ‘Big it up for Jesus’ has been recorded and released.

Songs on the album include a number previously released on 5 Spring Harvest children’s albums but available NOW recorded by Jon and with his own musical arrangements.

13 songs in total!

Get them all on one recording in all styles of music ranging from Lazy Town to Hannah Montana, from Jonas Brothers to High School Musical. Throw in some rock’n’roll and (for the dads) Meatloaf and there will sounds for all the family to enjoy!!

Don’t just take it from me, here’s what they have been saying about the CD, ‘Big it up for Jesus’:


“Hi Jon, Got the albums in the post this morning, what can I say? It's BIG!!! Love it, I don't care what age group it's aimed at, it's going on my iPod!!”


“Jon it is fantastic, I'm listening to it all the time in the car. What a good selection of different songs. Can't wait for September to teach some to our Explorers kids at church. Thanks again Jon, top quality”


“Thanks for the CD. It is great, and we love playing it! Rachael had a non Christian friend round today, and they were dancing to your CD, and Rachael was explaining how God created EVERYTHING! The seeds that are sown by children!”


“Jon......Fantastic, congratulations on a great debut album...really excellent...we've been singing along to it in the car!!! The video is great as well..."

This album was produced and recorded by Paul Burton who has recorded albums for Tim Hughes, Matt Redman, Stuart Townsend, Delirious? and The Macabees and Soul Survivor to name but a few. The musicians involved in ‘Big it up for Jesus’ include Paul Evans from Delirious? (drums), Dan Wheeler (guitars), Mark Prentice (bass), Cathy Burton and Jim Bailey (backing vocals) and Andy Harsant and Mike Sandeman (pianos and keys) as well as other programmers and vocalists.
  Track Audio Clips

+ 4 other songs
The cost per CD cost is £12.00 + £1.50 Postage and Packaging.

£13.50 per CD

'SOLD OUT' due to high demand - contact Jon for more information.

“Just thought I would encourage you, by letting you know how helpful your new album "Big it up for Jesus" has been in our daughters transition from Nursery to 'big' school. She really loves the song 'don't worry, don't panic...' and sings it a lot. When it came to her starting school she was understandably nervous but she said that she kept remembering that song and remembered not to panic ‘cos God was with her. She went into 'big' school on her first day with a big smile on her face and on the bus there she was singing the song!. So a huge 'thank you' for writing that song. It has been and I have no doubt will continue to be a real blessing to our daughter.”


See a ‘Making of’ video and hear the full track for ‘Big it up for Jesus’


“Thank you for producing a CD with songs that are so usable. I find with most kids CD's they are produced for listening to rather than using in a service/club context and that I can only use 1 or 2 tracks from the CD, yours is the opposite way round. I think there are only 1 or 2 that I would not use as part of a praise and worship session, and those are the Jonah and Samson ones which I have plans on using as part of a story at some point - just working on the script at the moment."

P.Edley - Children Worldwide

  If you enjoy the CD, why not bring it to life with a visit from Jon at YOUR event, or invite him along to bring his All-Age road show and services TO YOU!

(This CD has been self funded and is as yet not being distributed among retailers or music outlets. Copies are only available either on-line through this site or at events where Jon is ministering at)
Please contact Jon for further details on bookings at the following address:
Or call: 01275 849053
Doug Horley
all site contents (c) jon bonner